A Beating Heart

The heart, a four- chamber muscle with valves that open and close create the unique sound of our heartbeat, on earth life is determined by that beat. Such a blessing is the heart that the Bible mentions it 830 times, … Continued

A Community for Life

Jesus sat with, talked with, and spent intentional time with people who’d been shamed, bogged down by brokenness, and forsaken by their communities. In spending this kind of time with people, and offering His life up as a sacrifice, Jesus … Continued

Wholly Seen, Wholly Known

No one was made to ever do life alone or go through this life unknown. And the truth is, as human beings who have been so uniquely and complexly created, we can only know each other and understand others’ experiences … Continued

Power of Dad

Dads Can Change the World, One Little Life at a Time At the Care Pregnancy Resource Center, we know the power that dads have in the lives of their children. Dads can: help build courage and confidence in their kids. … Continued