God’s Design for Community

When Jesus walked the earth in His human form, He gathered people from different backgrounds, genders, dispositions, and those who believed differently about how to work out God’s Law to be His disciples. And these people stayed together in spite … Continued

A Seat at the Table: A Place to be Heard

We recently had a client come see us in the midst of a crisis. Already in her third trimester, she was desperate for an abortion. Months before, when she had initially told the father of her baby that she was … Continued

A Seat at the Table: Welcome Home

We have a client who has been coming to see us since she was 5 months pregnant with her little girl – her little girl is nearly three years old now. She’s gone through all of our parenting class materials, … Continued

A Seat at the Table – Continued

A few months ago, a young girl walked through our doors for a pregnancy test. After doing her ultrasound, we found that she was already thirteen weeks pregnant. She had no family support, both of her parents were out of … Continued

A Seat at the Table

At the beginning of the year, she came to see us feeling afraid, ashamed, and unsure of what she was going to do. Her positive pregnancy test brought on a wave of shock and a heaviness in her chest. I … Continued

Grace under Pressure

They came in together to talk about an ultrasound. They weren’t a couple, just long-time friends, but this was their baby together. Both were nervous, in shock, and afraid. As they met with our nurse, we learned that she was … Continued