A Community for Life

Jesus sat with, talked with, and spent intentional time with people who’d been shamed, bogged down by brokenness, and forsaken by their communities. In spending this kind of time with people, and offering His life up as a sacrifice, Jesus … Continued

Walking into the Light

What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us, said A.W. Tozer. Asking ourselves what we believe, and why we believe it, arguably may be one of the most important questions we … Continued

Let’s Change the Narrative

Did you know that fathers of pre-born children are the most influential people in a woman’s decision to abort? In fact, according to a CareNet study, they have 38% of the influence, whereas someone else like a medical professional has … Continued

When Grandmas Pray, Lives Change

With March being Women’s History Month, we’d like to take some time to honor some of the most important women of all – grandmas.  We’ve noticed a trend in some of our most vulnerable clients in whom we are seeing … Continued