God’s Design for Community

When Jesus walked the earth in His human form, He gathered people from different backgrounds, genders, dispositions, and those who believed differently about how to work out God’s Law to be His disciples. And these people stayed together in spite … Continued

A Community for Life

Jesus sat with, talked with, and spent intentional time with people who’d been shamed, bogged down by brokenness, and forsaken by their communities. In spending this kind of time with people, and offering His life up as a sacrifice, Jesus … Continued

Motherhood: An Invitation

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. – Psalm 127:3-4 At the Care Pregnancy Resource Center, we’ve come … Continued

All Life if Sacred

To call something sanctified is to call it holy or sacred, set apart and unique. Genesis 1:27 says that God made all of humanity in His own image, and He said it was good. This means that every human being, … Continued