With March being Women’s History Month, we’d like to take some time to honor some of the most important women of all – grandmas.
We’ve noticed a trend in some of our most vulnerable clients in whom we are seeing some of the biggest changes – they’ve all had strong, powerful, loving grandmothers who have played an essential part in their granddaughter’s lives. These clients have come in looking for abortions, have been severely oppressed by hopelessness, trauma, shame, and confusion, and have lacked support from major people in their lives. But the one person they could all think of that had their back, loved them unconditionally, and gave of themselves freely was their grandmother.
One of our clients came to us looking for an abortion that she didn’t want but was being pressured to get by her parents. After meeting with us, she decided not to have an abortion and chose to come back for an ultrasound the next week. When she came back, she told us that the one person who was supporting her courageous decision was her grandmother. Her grandma had been the only one to support her through her first pregnancy a few years before, was the only one in the delivery room when her baby was born, and her grandma was the one who gave her baby his name. And now, this grandma remains faithful to support her and love her in her decision to choose life again.
Another client had recently come to us also looking for an abortion. Her pregnancy test came back negative, but she was so filled with shame, hopelessness, and pain, we invited her to come back simply to have a safe place to build trust again and find healing. She brought up her grandmother and said she was the only one who ever loved her unconditionally and talked to her about God. Her grandma invested in her, helped to fill the gaps where she was lacking, and was the only one to see the promise she was filled with, but then her grandmother passed away. The next time this client came to see us a few weeks later, she was offered the Gospel and received Jesus Christ as her Savior.
Both of these women are walking miracles. Their stories have been weaved by God and their hearts have been sowed into by prayerful, loving grandmothers. There is a kind of sacred trust that God gives grandmothers, often imbuing them with an urgency to cover their grandchildren with an otherworldly love that so obviously has the potential to completely change the direction of a life.
If you are a grandma, we thank you for the way you love your grandchildren and for covering them with the love of God. Your investment in their lives matter and you could be the reason their life completely changes for the better.
Would you please take a moment and pray for our clients as though they were your own grandchildren? We’ve seen the power and fruit of praying grandmas and we are confident God will be faithful to hear and act on the blessings you cover our clients with.
By Katelynn Martin
So amazing!