A Beating Heart

The heart, a four- chamber muscle with valves that open and close create the unique sound of our heartbeat, on earth life is determined by that beat. Such a blessing is the heart that the Bible mentions it 830 times, though rarely as the physical sustainer of life. The heart is far more important to the Lord, He uses it in relation to one’s treasure. It is the measure between good and evil as the heart determines where the mind will go.

The heart pumps oxygen rich blood to our brain and body allowing us to make decisions and toil upon the earth. The term “listen to your heart” makes more sense when we think of it as God’s design, it is a treasure from our creator. Ephesians 3:17 says, “then Christ will make a home in your hearts as you trust him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.”

Who cannot stand in awe of a heart created so God could dwell within it and be with us from earth to eternity? There is no trouble on this earth so great that God cannot protect us when He himself made a place within us, just for him. 

By Larissa Allen, Guest Writer